Your Results Are In…

You’re an…

Adventurous Beginner!

How exciting! You’re smack in the middle of the tidal wave of inspiration that comes with something new.

You’ve fully embraced your passion for nature photography and see the wide world of possibilities for where you could go with this joy and talent of yours.

But… when you pause to take in alllllll those options, it can feel a little overwhelming where to focus your energy.

While you might not yet know what techniques or subject matter you want to specialize in, or the style you’ll claim as your own, you do know one thing:

You want your nature photography to have a purpose.

You’re not done exploring (you’re just at the starting line for that!) yet you want to know that the time, money, and energy you pour into your photography practice isn’t frivolous.

You already know you want to give back in some way to the nature you love photographing.

And you’re ready to open the door to what that could look like.


are some of my go-to favorites for

Adventurous Beginners

who are ready to find their fulfilling creative focus while having a blast exploring options and gathering useful, practical tips and example-driven inspiration along the way.

Grab your headphones, download these episodes and get ready to press play on turning your boundless creative energy into impactful action!

Your Personalized Playlist

How To Become A Conservation Photographer

🎧 Listen Here

The 5 Biggest Hurdles When Starting Out In Conservation Photography (And How To Overcome Them)

🎧 Listen Here

 How To Value Content Over Quality In Your Photographs

🎧 Listen Here

Finding Conservation Stories In Your Backyard With Mike Forsberg

🎧 Listen Here

The Courage To Begin Your First Conservation Photography Project With Carla Rhodes

🎧 Listen Here

How To Find Local Organizations To Collaborate With For Photography

🎧 Listen Here

5 Conservation Photography Projects You Can Start Today

🎧 Listen Here

Where To Invest Your Money When You’re Just Starting Out In Conservation Photography

🎧 Listen Here

Getting Local Photo Stories In National Mainstream Publications With Anne Readel

🎧 Listen Here

3 Ways Conservation Photographers Get Paid (Or Volunteer)

🎧 Listen Here


Be sure to download the episodes to your device so you have them whenever you need – even when you’re out of internet range!

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What Listeners Say

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

❝ Wonderful insights! Such a great podcast — engaging interviews with talented visual storytellers providing tons of helpful insights, knowledge and tips. Thoroughly enjoyable and a must listen if you want to learn, grow, and make a difference with your photography or filmmaking.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

❝ Jaymi offers up an abundance of knowledge, brings a consistent sense of positivity, is an excellent teacher and discusses invaluable topics seemingly in each episode. I constantly find myself looking forward to the next episode. Her organizational skills and effort are apparent by the high quality of this podcast. Do yourself a favor, listen to all of the episodes, and subscribe! You won’t regret it.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Jaymi has created an educational but definitely not boring podcast that layouts the steps to become a conservation photographer. She gives practical advice and ideas (with tons a free worksheets) for beginners. And she interviews the best of the best. A high quality podcast that is worth the subscribe button.

Have We Met Yet?

Hello! I’m Jaymi Heimbuch

Jaymi heimbuch waving

From the time I first picked up a camera to document wildlife, I’ve focused on putting images to work for the benefit of the natural world.

So that pull you feel? The one that drives you to do something that matters with your photos and films?

Yeah, I am right there with you.

Experiencing wilderness and witnessing wildlife is my passion and conservation photography is my purpose. But that goes WAY BEYOND image-making. After 10 years working as a writer and photo editor, I went full-time into conservation photography. And I realized something that changed me…

So many visual storytellers want to make an impact… and have no idea how.

That’s when I recognized my own ‘Why’: helping my fellow creatives reach their biggest goals in conservation visual storytelling. Because a win for one of us is a win for the entire planet.

I founded Conservation Visual Storytellers Academy to train photographers and filmmakers who have a passion for nature, conservation and science.

Working alongside extraordinary students and members every day fires. me. UP. And I’m thrilled that I now get to work alongside you!

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